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November 17, 2020

Create an Efficient ABA Practice

Balaji Ramani has more than 20+ years of experience in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management. Balaji has expertise in building, training, mentoring, and managing end-to-end healthcare RCM teams. He has experience using the Web for information sourcing, research & analyses to enable ‘patient and payer satisfaction’ in the healthcare space.

ABA Providers Recover Dues From Patients To Efficient Your Account Receivables

What is ABA Practice Management Software ?

The adoption of digital technologies has been on the increase in Applied Behavioral Analysis – from Scheduling and Data Collection to Practice Management and Billing. Automated software systems have streamlined time-consuming manual processes involved in managing a successful ABA practice or setting up a new one.

As a Behavior Analyst, you work with a lot of data. With new advances in Cloud-based access and more powerful mobile devices, specially designed software helps ABA practices record, store, analyse, and utilize the data for clinical use and management of day-to-day tasks.

An ideal Practice management software is the one that allows you the time to focus on your clients. Administrative tasks like staff performance, record keeping, billing, and financial management can bestreamlined with an efficient ABA Practice Management Software.

ABA Practice Management Software has numerous advantages like:

  • Cost-saving by drastically reducing staff and space
  • Time-saving by providing access to data easily and quickly.
  • Remote access to records is easily possible, especially in home and school-based settings
  • Easy and faster audits.

This digital management model is now the most preferred way to manage a practice,  irrespective of its size or performance.

Common Problems Of ABA Practice Management Software

Although widely accepted, ABA practitioners like you face numerous issues while working with different Practice Management Software. Here is a checklist of the common problems that you may encounter while using a Practice Management Software.

  • Complex Software -Technology has penetrated our lives beyond our imagination, and digitizing has made life easy for ABA therapists like you. However, the downside to technology is often the complex programs that may require intensive training of staff. It adds to the cost of running your practice and takes up additional staff time. Further, a lack of simplicity can deter you from using the software to its full potential.
  • Client Onboarding -The process of client registration and intake can be cumbersome or frustrating due to long waitlists. Additionally, suppose your client-onboarding process involves filling up of numerous forms, it becomes a time-consuming activity for your clients. Duplication is common in such scenarios that add to the unproductive time. Further, keeping track of such fragmented data and recalling it takes a lot of time, space, and effort.
  • Scheduling – More often than not, your ABA practice might struggle with scheduling. A comprehensive view of available clients, their schedules, and assigning the right therapists is of prime importance. A disruption in services can adversely affect client outcomes. Hence, correct scheduling becomes a pivoting point in the management of your successful ABA practice.
  • Authorizations – While you may have added Prior authorizations to your Practice management software, tracking them efficiently through the entire process becomes a task that cuts into your valuable time. An expired authorization can be an obstacle to continuing services as well as payment of claims for sessions done after the expiry of the authorization. Tracking authorizations' validity and expiration is an uphill task while working with software that does not provide a tracking system for authorizations.
  • Reports – While routine reports can help in day-to-day functioning, your organization will require more detailed financial health reports and performance indicator reports. Check if your current practice management software can scale up reports on your practice's overall health and the metrics to keep your performance on the track.
  • Claims Processing - You may struggle with a partly-digitized system that does not offer automation for tracking appeals, managing denials, and reducing rejections. In the absence of intelligent software, you might end up spending a lot of time reviewing rejections and tracking payments that are due.
  • Financial Management – One of the challenges you may face with your existing practice management software is a lack of financial management. Check if your software can give you a complete solution, from scheduling to cash in the bank.

What is Artemis ?

Artemis is a unique Practice Management and Billing software developed by Plutus Health. Artemis was designed to reduce the complexity, manual data entry and simplifying billing and collections. Our goal is to provide transparent visibility for customers into their operations and financials.

Artemis uses the latest in AI and automation to make it a comprehensive practice management software. HIPPA-compliant Artemis is developed using the latest Einstein CRM AI on the robust and reliable Salesforce platform.

How Can Artemis Help Your ABA Practice

  • Simplified Integration – The beauty of Artemis is a simple interface that requires minimal training. Artemis has a simple flow that guides you step-by-step through the entire process from scheduling, sessions tracking, billing, and payroll.
  • Quick Registration – Client onboarding becomes a smooth process. Collecting detailed client information at the first step leads to error-free billing and claims processing. Also, crucial tasks like obtaining re-authorizations become more manageable with a built-in tracking system. Artemis includes ABA specific nuances such as

                      ·        Name and credentials of Providers,

                      ·        Name and credentials of Supervisors of services

                      ·        Diagnosis code and referring Provider name

                      ·        Codes for services performed

                      ·        Time in and time out

                      ·        Programs worked this session

                      ·        Narrative overview program

                      ·        Progress-to-date

                      ·        The date for the next session, and plan of treatment

                      ·        Signature and credentials of the Provider

  • Intelligent Scheduling – Artemis allows you to schedule and plan appointments effectively by providing a 360-degree view of availability, qualification, and preference. Smart scheduling ensures the therapy is not disrupted at any stage.  Also, there are multiple views available in the Scheduler for easy matching of the client with the available therapist.
  • Seamless Sessions Tracking – A convenient session tracking system helps in easy conversion from sessions to billing. The Artemis AI can simplify the conversion of appointments to time-sheets, tracking therapists' hours, and driving time for payroll.
  •  Error-free Billing and Claims Processing – Artemis makes sure that your claims are paid the first time correctly. You can bill with confidence as the intelligent Artemis AI tracks codes and fee schedule by payor and scrubs for ABA rules and guidelines.
  • Integrated AutomationThe Artemis Practice Management software is built using one of the smartest AI in Customer Relationship Management. Integrated EDI using a robust Clearinghouse ensures a quick turnaround of claims. The system automates payment postings and even follows upon pending AR.
  •  Built-in Denial Management – Denied Claims are easily monitored with Artemis. A reliable Denial Management process is integrated to track claims and even fix denials.
  •  Convenient Patient Payment Portal and e-Statements –The system creates simplified client e-statements, reminders, and follow-ups for client responsibility with an integrate payment portal.

Give your ABA practice a new lease of life with ARTEMIS. This cost and time-saving practice management software simplifies day-to-day practice management issues. It allows you to spend your valuable time handling your practice's clinical aspects than spending it trying to decipher your Billing and Collections.

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Balaji Ramani

Balaji Ramani has more than 20+ years of experience in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management. Balaji has expertise in building, training, mentoring, and managing end-to-end healthcare RCM teams. He has experience using the Web for information sourcing, research & analyses to enable ‘patient and payer satisfaction’ in the healthcare space.