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January 10, 2024

How AI is Revolutionizing Revenue Cycle Management: A Deep Dive into Denial Management Solutions

Thomas John has 30+ years of experience in healthcare RCM and IT. He is the founder and CEO of Plutus Health Inc., one of the biggest healthcare RCM companies in the US. Thomas has comprehensive knowledge of AI-driven practice management and billing software. He believes in providing an end-to-end solution for revenue cycle and practice management.

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The inception of AI has revolutionized almost every industry, and the healthcare sector isn’t an exception. Healthcare providers constantly battle to make sense of the maze-like intricacies of revenue cycle management (RCM). Over the years, denials have caused a significant financial drain and an operational nightmare for healthcare providers. Denials with puzzling codes and explanations cost a huge loss of revenue in the US healthcare sector.

However, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game changer, revolutionizing RCM and transforming denial management into an innovative, efficient, and streamlined process. The US healthcare industry has witnessed substantial advancements in revenue cycle management (RCM) with AI.

In this blog, we delve into the progress made in revenue cycle management, explore the impact on healthcare, particularly in denial management, and examine how AI contributes to enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and overall financial performance.

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Revenue cycle management (RCM) in healthcare:

Revenue cycle management in healthcare forms the spine when you consider the financial aspect of healthcare operations. It includes some crucial processes to keep the financial health of the organizations in sound shape. In healthcare, RCM refers to end-to-end financial processes associated with patient care. It ensures the smooth flow of financial transactions, from patient registration to payment collection.

Established medical billing companies provide these solutions to healthcare organizations to optimize their revenue systems. With these sophisticated tools in place, you can detect possible billing errors while adhering to regulatory standards.

The key objectives of RCM include minimizing errors, maximizing revenue for healthcare organizations, and ensuring compliance. However, now, with the introduction of AI, healthcare organizations are capitalizing on advanced technologies to ensure more efficiency and optimize their revenue cycles.

Challenges in RCM earlier:  

Before integrating artificial intelligence (AI), healthcare providers faced various challenges in managing revenue cycles efficiently:

  • Error-prone manual tasks: Performing several tasks related to medical billing, coding, and reimbursement usually creates errors. Ultimately, this delayed the entire process of the insurance claim.
  • Inefficient denial management: Previously, companies were using manual review to identify and rectify denied claims, which was a resource-intensive and time-consuming process. Denial management posed a major hurdle while healthcare providers strived to detect and rectify the denied claims.
  • Payment delays: Errors and inefficiencies in the RCM workflow can significantly delay insurance payments and patient collections, impacting cash flow and financial stability.  
  • High operational costs: The traditional methods of reviewing and correcting manually consumed more time and required more resources. Ultimately, this led to increased operational costs and delayed revenue recovery.

Denial management in RCM:

While seamless management of claim denials is a huge challenge, healthcare organizations depend on denial management, a strategic approach to address and rectify claim denials from insurance payers.

Denial management is an integral part of RCM. This process focuses on identifying, appealing, and preventing claim denials. The process of denial management includes a structured assessment of denied claims and an evaluation of the reasons that lead to the denials that ultimately help to take necessary measures. This process aims to reduce the financial impact of rejected claims on health organizations. According to a report in the Journal of AHIMA, around 20% of all claims filed are subject to denial by insurers. Through robust denial management practices, healthcare organizations strive to minimize this impact, ensuring a more streamlined and financially sustainable RCM.

Pain Points of Denial Management

The pain points of denial management:

Manual and time-consuming tasks: It requires more labor and resources to identify, track, and appeal denials. Thus, staff remain engrossed in paperwork instead of devoting their time to patient care.

Complex regulations and evolving codes: Technology is ever-changing, and so are the regulations of the healthcare industry. It is essential to remain vigilant and stay updated with the evolving regulations and coding, which is challenging for busy healthcare providers.

Vague denials and limited insights: Detecting cryptic denial codes and finding out the exact cause of rejection is no less than a mystery.

The financial and operational impact of denials:

Claim denials directly affect the revenue stream of healthcare organizations. Failure to manage these denials properly can accumulate rapidly, affecting their financial operations.  

  • Financial effect
    Denials of insurance claims result in revenue losses for healthcare organizations as they are unable to collect payments for the rendered services. Such damage can impact the financial condition of healthcare providers and limit their capacity to invest in staff, equipment, and technology.  
  • Operational Consequences
    The management of denials uses valuable resources that can be directed toward patient care. Healthcare organizations must allocate time and labor to investigate, appeal, and rectify denied claims. This diverts the administration from its core responsibilities. Furthermore, delayed reimbursement cycles owing to denials interrupt the cash flow, which delays the timely payment of bills and the purchase of essential supplies required by the healthcare organization.
  • Beyond financial setbacks
    Not just financially or operationally, the impacts of claim denials go beyond those. Due to the impacts of delays and claim denials, healthcare organizations are forced to deliver compromised patient care.

Why is denial management important?

Denial management is essential to maintaining financial stability. According to industry experts, 90% of claim denials result from preventable issues. They generally occur before a hospital provides care to a patient. This explains that denial management isn't a reactive process but a proactive one. It is essential to maintain financial stability. Healthcare organizations should work closely with companies providing medical billing credentialing services to benefit from advanced mechanisms.  

AI to the rescue

Tackling these pain points has become easier, and healthcare providers seamlessly carry out RCM operations. Thanks to AI. AI is injecting intelligence into RCM while tackling the pain points directly.

  • Predictive analytics: AI algorithms filter through huge amounts of claim data, identify patterns, and predict claims at risk of denial before submission. Such a proactive approach prevents errors and increases the acceptance rates of claims.  
  • Automated code scrubbing: AI-powered software carefully authenticates the coding accuracy and ensures compliance with the latest regulations, which ultimately minimizes rejections owing to coding errors.
  • Real-time denial alerts and insights: AI-powered software detects denied claims in real time and provides detailed explanations. It also recommends appeals, empowering staff to respond effectively and swiftly.
  • Sentiment analysis of denial notices: AI can easily detect the language used in denials and extract key information related to denial notices. Furthermore, it suggests the most convincing arguments for appeals, which helps ease the claim process.
  • Automated appeal generation: AI automatically customizes appeal letters for the specific reason for denial and drafts them. This approach significantly reduces the turnaround time and improves efficiency.
AI to the rescue

The Future of AI in Denial Management

The advancements in AI are continual, thus ensuring a secure future of denial management. Evolution also promises greater possibilities.  

  • Deep learning algorithms: The advanced models of AI algorithms can learn from historical data and detect highly complex patterns. Further, it optimizes aborted claims and denial predictions.
  • Natural language processing (NLP): Advanced NLP allows artificial intelligence to interpret and communicate effectively with insurance companies. This approach streamlines appeals and negotiations.
  • Integration with RCM platforms: Flawless AI integration within existing RCM software will generate an intelligent and centralized hub for managing the revenue cycle.

Beyond Efficiency: Enhanced Revenue, Improved Patient Care

AI-powered denial management offers numerous benefits that go beyond simple automation.

  • Increased revenue: As per studies, denials can be reduced by up to 30% with AI-powered denial management. Ultimately, this improves the financial condition of healthcare organizations.  
  • Reduced administrative burden: AI automates various tedious tasks, freeing up staff, allowing them to focus on patient care, and enhancing service quality to meet patient satisfaction.
  • Improved patient experience: AI-powered denial management also minimizes the annoyance and shock of patients related to medical billing. This promotes better relationships and trust between healthcare organizations and patients.

AI-driven denial management solutions not only enhance the speed of claim processing but also contribute to improved accuracy and compliance with regulatory standards. As the healthcare sector continues to leverage AI technologies, the result is a more resilient and adaptive denial management framework that not only recovers revenue efficiently but also enhances the overall financial health of healthcare institutions.

AI is revolutionizing denial management solutions

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in RCM redefines how healthcare organizations approach denial management. AI holds the power to process and analyze data intelligently. This has made medical billing and finance management more accurate and efficient. Advanced technology is also improving medical coding, helping organizations with their urgent care billing or mental health billing services collect medical bills much more quickly, and reducing insurance claim denials.

As a business leader in the healthcare industry, you must understand that ABA billing, backed by AI, can transform your operations. The predictive abilities of AI can prevent the denial of claims. These solutions are backed by predictive analytics, and the AI models work on vast datasets. In the process, they can identify specific trends and patterns of data. This advanced ability of AI models enables healthcare providers to foresee potential denials. With this approach, you, as a healthcare provider, can address issues before the submission of claims and reduce the likelihood of denials while delivering seamless medical billing credentialing services.

If you are in the healthcare industry, it is essential to ensure smooth denial management by outsourcing the work, which has emerged as a top challenge. By handling the administrative challenge, you can ensure a smooth claiming process and minimize disruptions to operations.

Artificial Intelligence in Denial Management

The time to embrace AI is now

The competitive healthcare market is continuously evolving, and embracing advanced technology for streamlining different operations is common. Adapting AI-powered denial management is no longer an option—it has become imperative to harness the power of AI. This strategy allows healthcare providers to unlock a new era of efficiency and boost their financial health, devoting resources to what truly matters: delivering exceptional healthcare to patients.

In this tech-driven market, knowing how AI can revolutionize your RCM and converting denial management into a powerful tool for achieving success is important.

Introducing Plutus Health: The Denial Management Expert

Forward-thinking organizations in healthcare rightly outsource their RCM and denial management tasks to specialized providers. This is a strategic decision to enhance patient care. RCM experts like Plutus Health offering HCC coding solutions are proficient in billing, coding, and denial resolution. Thus, we go a long way in maximizing the revenue for these organizations. Outsourcing these time-intensive tasks to Plutus Health will also free up valuable man-hours to make the most of your resources. Thus, effective denial management is important not only from a financial perspective but continues to help healthcare organizations achieve better operational excellence.

Plutus Health: Your Coding Excellence Partner!

Effective denial management is important not only from a financial perspective but continues to help healthcare organizations achieve better operational excellence. Partnering with Plutus Health, you can ensure a fast and effective workflow with optimized RCM. Furthermore, we aim for a 95% clean claims rate by pinpointing and tackling RCM gaps to streamline accuracy and revenue recovery.

We have been delivering seamless denial management solutions in healthcare for over 15 years. We've had outstanding results; for example, in only six months, we decreased the practice's denial rate from 29% to 8%, saving $12 million monthly.  

Revolutionize your denial management with us!

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Thomas John, CEO of Plutus Health

Thomas John has 30+ years of experience in healthcare RCM and IT. He is the founder and CEO of Plutus Health Inc., one of the biggest healthcare RCM companies in the US. Thomas has comprehensive knowledge of AI-driven practice management and billing software. He believes in providing an end-to-end solution for revenue cycle and practice management.